Cancel the Apocalypse: Here Are 30 Documentaries to Help Unlock the Good Ending

Our present moment is saturated in dystopian, apocalyptic fantasies of the future.

As the late Mark Fisher said, “It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” We can envision a thousand ways that humanity might destroy itself and the rest of the world, but positive visions of the future remain severely lacking in comparison. Why is that?

The Dark Ages led to the Renaissance. Feudalism led to capitalism. No era remains stagnant forever. But there’s an invisible meme in our culture today that says capitalism is the greatest economic idea humanity has ever invented and it will never be surpassed. That’s why a thousand dystopian visions of the future all imagined that capitalism stayed the same, our economic paradigm never evolved… and then the world was eventually destroyed. Could the two be connected? Is our failure to imagine something better than capitalism going to be what actually leads to “the bad ending” for humanity?

What this points to, in our view, is a crisis of imagination.

Humans at heart are storytellers, and we enact the stories we tell ourselves. As we’ve written before, our culture is enacting a story that’s destroying the world. If humanity is going to unlock “the good ending,” we’ve got to imagine it first. We’ve got to imagine ten thousand localized versions of it. That’s how things change.

Fortunately, visions of a more beautiful, compassionate, regenerative future already exist. But since they’re not being broadcast daily on the evening news, we’ve got to dedicate a little more energy towards broadcasting them ourselves. This is what this list of films is for. These films decided that the apocalypse is canceled. Climate change is canceled. Biodiversity loss is canceled. A comeback of this scale has never been attempted before, but that’s why it’s going to work. Ya dig? The people in these films aren’t listening to the folks that say it’s too late. They’re imagining the future they want, not the future they’re afraid of, and they’re bringing that future into being.

Whether we’re ultimately successful is not the point, and beyond anyone’s ability to truly know. The point is that our true nature calls us to choose determination over defeat, and resilience over despair.

We hope these films inspire the former – that place in your heart that knows a better world *is* possible, and is ready to make it happen.




The Earthshot Prize

“The Earth is at a tipping point and we face a stark choice: either we continue as we are and irreparably damage our planet, or we remember our unique power as human beings and our continual ability to lead, innovate and problem-solve. People can achieve great things. The next ten years present us with one of our greatest tests – a decade of action to repair the Earth.”
Prince William

The Earthshot Prize


Introduction to Remote Spirit Release

Here is a playlist of recordings from 2016 that focus on one client who offered the opportunity to demonstrate how the work is conducted with the spirit guide.

The playlist was recorded in the early days of developing the protocol that is now used and will give insights into some of the issues that practical training aims to address.

There are plans to reintroduce courses when the Covid pandemic is over, and we can gather together again for practical group training. I trust this playlist will be helpful for students and prospective trainees to prepare for planned courses to be announced shortly. If you have any question about anything in these recordings, please save them for when the courses are reconvened.

Happy viewing.



What’s Paranormal and What’s Normal?

Creativity comes in many forms. We are all creative in one form or another. Some people are natural poets, musicians, writers, dancers or artists and driven by their innate abilities to create works of art that enhance society or culture.  We are entertained by people gifted in the art of film making and storytelling in the cinema and television. Are we so overwhelmed by the outpouring of the creative arts that we are in danger of becoming blase to their gifts? Are we to be merely entertained by the arts, or can they be instrumental in educating and informing us of uncomfortable truths as well?

Creativity can come in the most unexpected and surprising forms.  I mention this because I want to offer an example for our subscribers, clients and contributors to consider.  Below is a very short film clip made by a very creative filmmaker. This came as a shock and surprise to me because I had no idea just how creative this person is.

His creativity is not for entertainment, but to inform. The clip below was created without any input or creative idea or instruction from anyone else. It wasn’t expected or invited but was created on the impulse and initiative of its creator. His motivation for producing the clip is to make a contribution to inform and educate on a topic that, for some, is taboo. There are those who see films about the paranormal as amusing or entertaining. But for those who have been adversely affected in their health and well-being by something that could be described as paranormal would agree with me that it is far from entertaining.

My research demonstrates that such events are not paranormal at all. In fact, they are surprisingly common and, in that sense, quite normal.  My colleagues and I deal with such events every single day in order to help people who need relief and protection from the paranormal and we need creative ways to inform an otherwise uninformed audience.

There are those who would be critical of the short film clip below because it addresses the paranormal in ways that some may not agree with. I beg to differ and I offer this film clip as an example of spontaneous creativity that can inform and educate. What say you?


SPR Lecture 2018

My lecture on Telepathic Hypnosis, delivered to the Society for Psychical Research in June 2018. This lecture gives the historical background on the scientific validity of using hypnosis with telepathy that inspired the remote viewing program of the United States Department of Defense. In this lecture I cite three case studies that demonstrate the potential of this treatment method for healing serious mental disorders such as psychosis and dissociative disorders.


Hospital Earthbounds

Here is a recording of my presentation on earthbound spirits in hospitals that I presented to the Society for Psychical Research annual conference in Newcastle in September 2018.

