Hearing Voices?

A Complementary Approach in the Treatment of Auditory Hallucinations in the Search for Best Practice

We have two objectives:

  1. Relieve suffering.
  2. Show evidence of best practice to the medical profession.

Do you have a family member, close friend or patient who suffers from Auditory Voice Hallucinations (AVH) or ‘hearing voices?’

You may like to consider acting on their behalf by referring their case for our research programme that aims to provide evidence for the effectiveness of our methods to medical science.

Please read the Research Protocol and the Terms and Conditions below, and if the proposition is of interest to you, please let us know by following the steps to refer your case for participation.

Thank you.

It is regretted that self-referrals are not invited to participate in this research project.

Only a registered healthcare professional, a responsible family member or a close friend may volunteer a sufferer of Auditory Voice Hallucinations (AVH)  to assist with this project. All participants are anonymous.

Remote Spirit Release – The Intervention Method

Those of you who don’t already know what Spirit Release is may like to follow this link for an explanation in the Society for Psychical Research online encyclopedia.

All spirit release procedures currently used by us are conducted by ‘remote’ which means that a person can be anywhere in the world and receive an intervention that will address the problem.  Procedures are conducted in the ‘spiritual’ dimensions – not the physical. This means the subject (the Patient/Participant) doesn’t need to be in any particular place at any particular time to receive a remote procedure because they are conducted beyond time and space.

Remote procedures are conducted by three practitioners, one acting as the spirit medium, another is the facilitator who manages the proceedings and keeps the medium grounded and the third is the administrator who handles recordings, paperwork and general administration.


This research is not funded by the NHS or any charity and our research costs are not covered by any institution. Unfortunately, this means that we are not able to provide a service completely free of any costs. Participants or their family referrers are therefore invited to contribute as a Participating Patron or with a free-will donation to the research fund. You may choose to register as a Patron or use the PayPal ‘Donate’ button at the foot of this page.

Patient’s supervising healthcare professionals are invited to contribute to the Research Fund as a Research Collaborator with anonymity for themselves and their institution. This is to avoid negative reactions from biased colleagues or institution authorities.

The essential criteria for participation in this research project are that the patient (participant) must be:

  1. Hearing voices (Auditory Voice Hallucinations).
  2. Diagnosed with AVH, psychosis, schizophrenia or another relative diagnosis.
  3. Under  supervision from a licensed healthcare professional
  4. The healthcare professional  agrees to the patient’s participation

To Proceed with a Referral for Participation

Please take your time and don’t miss any step or try to rush things. This procedure works best on a computer so please try to avoid using a smartphone. Thank you for your patience.

Yours sincerely

Dr T Palmer and all here at Healing the Wounded Spirit

Step One.  Register

Registering as a subscriber to this website is free and keeps you informed of all news and events. This helps keep our administration to a minimum and allows us to keep everyone informed with a single message or site posting.

Step Two.   Please read these two documents.

  1.  The Hearing Voices Research Protocol and
  2.  The  Hearing voices t&c

It is ESSENTIAL that you do not skip reading these two important documents. The Project Protocol will be of greater interest to healthcare supervisors and bona fide researchers, and The Terms and Conditions contain important information for you and will answer any questions you may have before you decide to proceed with a referral for participation. It is suggested that you print these two documents for easy reference whenever needed.

Step Three. For your contribution to the Research Fund, you may choose either:

  1. Patron Participation or
  2. PayPal Donation

For Patron Participation please use the Orange button below and choose Research Participant, which is on the second tier.

Healthcare supervisors are invited to register as Research Collaborator on the first tier.

Alternatively, to make a free-will donation, use the PayPal ‘Donate’ button at the foot of this page.

Step Four.  Request participation for the Patient with the form below.

Put your own name in the first box. You are the ‘Referrer’. Choose the type of relationship you have with the Patient who may also be referred to as the research ‘Participant’.

Complete the form with accurate information in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

Please take your time and don’t rush it.

Errors on your referral form cannot be rectified and could result in your application becoming null and void.

Click here for the Referral Form

Important: When the form is completed and you have entered your email address correctly you will receive an automatic acknowledgement that it has been sent. If you receive no acknowledgement please check the accuracy of your email address and check your spam folder.  Be patient and allow sufficient time for communication over the internet connection.

Please DO NOT send your form twice. Each form generates a unique case file number. If you send your form twice you will create two unique case file numbers which throw our records system out of sync.

If you don’t receive an acknowledgement that you have sent a form please use the contact message to let us know and please DO NOT repeat the form submission without authorisation.

Return to Step One.  Register to initiate your referral.

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